News & Events

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Showing articles: News & Events

CSR Spotlight: Autism Speaks Long Beach Walk

November 20, 2020
For one week near the beginning of fall, our Long Beach, California office took part in Autism Speaks' 2020 Walk Your Way event. Autism Speaks is a non-profit organization that provides educational support, job skills training, and social/networking events to...

Published Article – Groundwater Forensics Approach for Differentiating Local and Regional Springs

November 18, 2020
Groundwater Forensics Approach for Differentiating Local and Regional Springs in Arid Eastern California, USA Written by Adam Love, Ph.D. of Roux & Andy Zdon of Partner Engineering and Science, Inc. Does your work require understanding water resources for management and...

How Roux is Creating a Cleaner Long Island

October 29, 2020
Roux and The Lake Agawam Conservancy Partner to Clean up Lake in Southampton Roux has been working with the Lake Agawam Conservancy to improve the water quality within Lake Agawam, which is located in Southampton, New York. Lake Agawam experiences...

Webinar: Business Costs – When a Cost is Not an Environmental Response Cost

September 28, 2020
Business Costs – When a Cost is Not an Environmental Response Cost Presented by Roux's Molly Diggory & Crystal Stowell Thursday, October 8th at 1pm-2pm EDT Insurance pays for many of the environmental clean-ups that occur throughout the United States....

Microplastics: The Next Big Emerging Environmental/Product Defect Liability?

September 25, 2020
Looking Ahead: Could Microplastics be the Next Big Emerging Environmental and/or Product Defect Liability? Microplastics (plastic debris smaller than five millimeters) are in the news more and more. With PFAS impacts consuming most people’s attention regarding emerging chemicals, what's the...

Webinar – Beyond PFAS 101: Understanding Technical Approaches in PFAS Liability Assessment

September 14, 2020
Beyond PFAS 101: Understanding Technical Approaches in PFAS Liability Assessment Presented by Catherine Boston, MPH, Kelly Coulon, P.E., & Ryan Stifter, M.S. of Roux, and Margaret Holden of Sive, Paget & Riesel Tuesday, September 29th at 1pm-2pm EDT While still...

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