Roux Office Spotlight: Islandia, New York
In 1981, Roux was founded by Paul Roux out of Long Island, New York as a groundwater contamination investigation practice. His goal was to build a small consulting firm where the staff was smart, hardworking, talented, and nice. These modest beginnings in Paul’s home followed the Federal Superfund Law of 1980, which held responsible parties accountable for cleaning up hazardous waste, pollutants, and contaminants—otherwise known as CERCLA.
Having grown steadily and organically over the years, Roux went from a mere handful of employees out of New York, to approximately 450 employees in offices across the nation. Our New York headquarters in Islandia is our largest office, currently employing over 150 technical and corporate personnel and servicing the New York Metropolitan area and beyond. More than half of our principals (engineers, scientists, and geologists) have been with us for more than 20 years, and nearly half of those for over 30 years—most of whom work out of our headquarters. Read more about some key team members from our Islandia, New York office below.

Jeff Wills, PG is a registered Professional Geologist in New York with over eighteen years in environmental assessment, remediation, and brownfield redevelopment support. He holds a BS in Environmental Resource/Geology from the Hofstra University. Mr. Wills is currently a Principal Geologist and Operations Manager for Roux’s Islandia and New York City offices. He has designed, managed, and overseen investigations and remediations at many sites throughout the New York Metropolitan area. Mr. Wills has experience working with multiple agencies including the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC), New York City Office of Environmental Remediation (NYCOER), and New York City Department of Environmental Protection (NYCDEP). He has managed large-scale remedial investigations, and his expertise includes client and project management and direction of junior staff, in-depth knowledge of various field sampling and innovative site investigative technologies, and construction/redevelopment support.

Dr. Deborah Chiavelli has nineteen years of experience in the investigation of complex contaminated sediment sites, including nature and extent, fate and transport, ecological and human health risk, feasibility studies, natural resource damages (NRD), forensic source investigation, liability apportionment, and allocation and litigation support. Dr. Chiavelli is an expert in upland and sediment environmental forensics. Her forensic source investigation experience spans many types of chemical contamination and environmental media and has been used to support remedial investigation, remedial footprint negotiation, natural resource damage assessments, source apportionment, allocation, mediation, and litigation. Her current projects at Roux include technical and strategic support for a petroleum potentially responsible party at the Newtown Creek Superfund Site, and confidential site assessment at many sediment and upland sites.

Paul Martorano, PE is a registered Professional Engineer with over twenty years in environmental assessment, remedial design, construction management, and treatment system operation, maintenance, and monitoring. He holds a BS and MEng in Biological and Environmental Engineering from Cornell University. He is currently a Technical Director for Roux. Mr. Martorano’s areas of expertise include ex situ engineered treatment systems for groundwater and soil vapor; treatment technologies for emerging contaminants (1,4-dioxane, PFAS, VOCs, and metals); construction management for heavy site civil, environmental, treatment systems, and buildings; financial estimating and reserve forecasting; design management; program management; and waste characterization and disposal. Currently he is the lead engineer for several Brownfields redevelopment projects, an industrial manufacturing client with a wastewater solids treatment upgrade design, and a United States Army Corp of Engineers resiliency project on the south shore of Staten Island where Roux is providing Construction Monitor/Restoration Specialist services.

Have questions on Roux’s work in the New York metropolitan area, or looking to get in touch with our experts? Reach out to Marilyn or Robert below!