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Complimentary Roux Webinar: How Much Did You Say Nature is Worth?

Posted on November 20, 2018

How Much Did You Say Nature is Worth? Monetizing the Environment and Natural Resources

Thursday, November 29th • 2pm EST
Presented by: Ryan Stifter, M.S., Director, Economics & Complex Analytics

Ever wonder just how dollar values are assigned to preserving natural amenities, or improvements in environmental quality, or changes in the level of services natural resources provide? Has anyone ever asked you what you would be “willing-to-pay” for non-polluted beaches, cleaner air, preserving salmon habitat, or increased river flow rates? While it is generally acknowledged that environmental goods and services are not purchased in the traditional marketplaces everyone is familiar with, determinations of their monetary value are made all the time.

This webinar will introduce the valuation concepts and drill down some into the methods applied to monetizing these hard-to-value goods and services. With the basics in hand, this webinar will describe important aspects of understanding and evaluating monetary valuations to determine the answers necessary to help your client obtain compensation or resolve liabilities sooner, and for an amount that has a rational basis. This will be demonstrated using case studies emphasizing the strengths and weaknesses of valuation methods and common pitfalls.

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Roux Associates

Ryan Stifter is a Senior Economist and Director in Roux’s Economic & Complex Analytics (ECA) Practice, providing advisory, litigation support, and expert witness services on economic aspects of commercial and environmental litigation, insurance claims, regulatory and management policy, regulatory enforcement, and strategic business decisions involving the environment and natural resources, agriculture and food processing, energy, industrial products, and financial services. Mr. Stifter has provided expert testimony, expert technical consulting, case management, and quantitative economic research support for attorneys, insurance companies, government agencies, industry associations, and both public and private corporations. Mr. Stifter has developed technical expertise within applied microeconomics, agricultural economics, environmental and natural resource economics, industrial organization, and applied econometrics through graduate academic training and involvement with numerous consulting studies, including several high-profile engagements.

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