News & Events

A Special Thank You to our Field Staff

Posted on November 06, 2020

When reflecting on the goals we set for 2020 versus what we’ve accomplished so far during the COVID-19 pandemic, Roux’s CEO Sin Senh kept coming back to one constant: our people. In particular, our next generation of leaders and owners.

From the middle of March when the pandemic started, to now, our Technicians, Staff Assistants, Staff, and Project level employees have been in the field while many of us worked remotely from home. They focused on both the firm’s and our clients’ needs and maintained their billability, especially during the first few weeks of the pandemic.

When we look back at how our firm has persevered throughout this pandemic so far, we believe the determination of our employees to complete their fieldwork has been one of the keys to our success in 2020. For that reason, to thank each one of them and recognize their service, we have provided them with a well-deserved bonus. Please join us in thanking the 147 employees who have spent time out in the field during this pandemic.