Stormwater Treatment Facility Design

Refining and Metals Processing Company; Texas


A large international ore refining and metals processing company was faced with mounting operational costs ($650,000 annually) associated with maintenance of clogged storm sewers at its Texas facility. Stormwater runoff from extensive ore piles conveyed large quantities of ore fines into the storm sewer system resulting in continuous clogging, loss of 5,000 tons of ore annually, and periodic flooding of the facility. Roux designed a multi-faceted ENS to provide recovery of eroded ore fines, reduce suspended solids and other trace constituents in stormwater runoff, eliminate flooding potential, consumptively use excess stormwater, and provide runoff treatment to the levels needed to reuse stormwater at the Site.

Major elements of the system include:
• 5 sedimentation trenches designed to capture and retain ore fines from intense stormwater runoff events;
• Grassed conveyance swales to further reduce total suspended solids (TSS) loadings;
• 8-acre constructed treatment wetland (CTW) designed to treat inflows from the sedimentation trenches and swales to reuse water quality levels; and
• 8-acre Phyto plot to consumptively eliminate treated water and promote zero discharge from the facility.

Construction and activation of the project was completed in March 2008. The capital cost of the project was $2.1 million with a projected operation and maintenance (O&M) cost of less than $100k annually.

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Refining and Metals Processing Company

Roux Services

Stormwater Management/Reuse

Constructed Treatment Wetland Design

Phyto Plot