Sisters of Saint Joseph; New York
Roux designed an alternative wastewater treatment system for the Sisters of Saint Joseph Campus in Brentwood, New York. The system is designed to implement a sustainable approach to the management of sanitary wastewater. Two constructed treatment wetland (CTW) cells were installed and are currently operating. Constructed treatment wetlands are engineered systems that use natural functions of vegetation, soil, and organisms to treat wastewater. The primary mechanism for sanitary wastewater treatment in the CTW cells is biological degradation. Through proper design and the inclusion of proper pretreatment component (solids removal), a CTW system for sanitary wastewater treatment can provide operational life expectancies of 20-30 years. In Suffolk County, the levels of nitrogen in the groundwater have risen significantly over the past 20 years, and have primarily come from seepage from septic systems and cesspools. Roux's system provides a secondary treatment of the sanitary wastewater at the Site and will assist in addressing the wastewater nitrogen levels as well as other sanitary constituents. Roux’s CTWs treat 30,000 gallons of water a day from the campus buildings. Roux has seen high levels of nitrogen removal in the treated wastewater and is continuing to monitor the effluent concentrations.
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Brentwood, New York
Sisters of Saint Joseph
CTW System Design
Wastewater Nitrogen Removal