Timothy V. Adams, PG

Principal Hydrogeologist


Contact Information

Phone: (630) 572-3300

Email: tadams@rouxinc.com

Location: Oak Brook, IL Chicago, IL


Innovative Remediation of Chlorinated VOCs and Recalcitrant Compounds

Integrated Site Closure and Regulatory Negotiation

Hydrogeologic Assessment in Complex Unconsolidated and Bedrock Environments


MS, Hydrogeology - Western Michigan University

BS, Geology - Illinois State University

Timothy V. Adams, PG

Principal Hydrogeologist

Mr. Adams is a Principal Hydrogeologist with over thirty years of experience in environmental consulting including roles as Office Manager and Client/Program Management, involving Integrated Site Closure Strategy Development, Installation and Operation of Enhanced Soil and Groundwater Remediation Systems, Design and Operation of DNAPL Remediation Systems, Regulatory Negotiation Specialist, Litigation Support, Groundwater Flow and Transport Modeling, and Surface and Borehole Geophysics. Mr. Adams holds a B.S. in Geology from Illinois State University and an M.S. in Hydrogeology from Western Michigan University. He has authored or co-authored 23 publications and presentations on applying innovative remediation and site closure strategies for chlorinated and recalcitrant compounds.

representative projects
  • Principal Hydrogeologist for the closure design of 3 wastewater lagoons in central Illinois. The project involved the characterization and management of sediment and stormwater for closure under Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) regulations. Remedial closure design included the in situ stabilization (ISS) of 180,000 cubic yards of lagoon sediment with a soil/vegetation cap.
  • Project Manager for DNAPL remediation system at a former telecommunications facility in Missouri. Remedial systems included SVE and chemical oxidant flushing in overburden/shallow bedrock for TCE. Conducted column treatability testing for zero valent iron permeable reactive barrier (PRB) wall. Installed funnel and gate PRB system in shallow bedrock aquifer to treat TCE. Received Certificate of Completion under Missouri DNR VCP. The Site has been redeveloped as a campus-type commercial setting with multiple tenants.
  • Principal Hydrogeologist for CVOC impacts to soil, groundwater, and surface water at a rail car cleaning facility former process water system. COCs include 1,1,2-TCA and associated breakdown products. Completed successful ISCR pilot and full-scale ISCR source treatment using soil-blending and direct injection of carbon-ZVI remedial amendment. Achieved >99% reduction of 1,1,2-TCA in blended source area. Completed Voluntary Cleanup Proposal and Cleanup Plan submittals to Kansas DHE. Ongoing performance monitoring and EUC management.
  • Principal Hydrogeologist for a 180-acre rail car maintenance facility under an Ohio EPA Consent Order. Completed RI and HHRA to address CVOC, petroleum LNAPL, and 1,4 dioxane in overburden and shallow bedrock aquifers. Ongoing FS and remedy design and installation.
  • Project Manager/Senior Hydrogeologist for the design and operation of a steam-enhanced DNAPL removal system in a heterogeneous clay till in the Chicago area. The system removed over 33,000 pounds of hydrocarbons in 5 years of operation. Received focused “NFR” (No Further Remediation) under Illinois EPA Site Remediation Program including municipal groundwater use ordinance.
  • Principal Hydrogeologist for insurance coverage and defense counsel for a former industrial manufacturing site under the IDEM State Cleanup Program. Provided technical review of PCB and CVOC impacts to building materials and soil and groundwater media. Reviewed claimed costs by the insured’s consultant for reasonableness and prepared remedial strategy and cost to closure opinion.

  • Consulting expert for remedial cost evaluation and settlement negotiations related to soil removal and engineered barrier installation for IL SRP site closure and redevelopment of a public school. Provided technical memorandum and opinion and assisted in mediation and settlement negotiations.

  • Consulting expert for evaluating investigation and remediation/closure of a chlorinated VOC-impacted manufacturing site in Indianapolis under the IDEM VRP. Reviewed adequacy of Certificate of Completion determination in comparison to IDEM RCG guidelines and terms of an agreed order with the City of Indianapolis. Provided affidavit regarding analysis of residual soil and groundwater and trend analysis following contaminant source treatment via soil excavation.

  • Consulting expert for insurance carriers regarding the investigation and remediation activities and the associated claim costs related to sites contaminated with petroleum products, chlorinated solvents, PCBs, 1,4-Dioxane, and heavy metals. Issued report of findings regarding both incurred costs and potential future costs at the Sites, including the reasonableness and appropriateness.

  • Consulting expert on behalf of plaintiff for evaluating CVOC contamination and fate and transport assessment for a site in the Chicago area.

  • Principal Hydrogeologist for litigation support for CVOC/Petroleum co-mingled plume. Reviewed expert witness reports and provided opinion of remediation closure strategy scenarios and cost allocation for an Indiana DEM VRP manufacturing site.

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