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How to Minimize Threatened & Endangered Species Habitat Impacts to Your Project

Posted on June 18, 2020

Threatened & Endangered Species Habitat Can Reduce or Eliminate Your Development Area

The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) has several programs that regulate land use and development in the state, including Division of Land Use Regulation (DLUR) rules for freshwater wetlands, flood hazard areas and coastal areas, as well as stormwater management and water quality management planning rules. The presence of potential threatened and endangered (T&E) species habitat can further restrict development projects under these programs. For example, if a property contains wetlands that are within areas mapped as potential T&E habitat, the NJDEP may assign a 150-foot buffer or transition area around the wetlands, further restricting the developable area. Another example is the denial of sewer service extensions into environmentally sensitive areas such as T&E habitat.

What can Roux do to help? T&E habitat mapped by the NJDEP via the Landscape Project or Natural Heritage Program may be based on old species sightings and/or inaccurate landscape mapping. Roux can evaluate your property to assess actual habitat potential. If it can be demonstrated that there is long-term loss of one or more habitat requirements of the target T&E species, the designation may be changed, thus easing regulatory requirements. To request more information or assistance from our experts on this matter, please fill out the form below.

Roux Associates

Upcoming Roux Complimentary Webinar

Talk About the Birds & Bees! Ecological Risk Assessments and Cost-Saving Remediation
Tuesday, July 14 at 1pm EDT
Presented by Meredith Harris, P.E., LSRP and Steve Michalanko

Not sure how to talk about the birds and the bees…on your environmental remediation site? Roux will cover the basics of Ecological Risk Assessment (ERA) including when it’s needed and what it entails.

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