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Feeling helpless from Superfund cleanup costs? Consider a new perspective

Posted on September 14, 2021

Transforming Superfund Liabilities into Assets

Owning an industrial facility or other property with a Superfund liability is not something to brag about, but it does not necessarily have to be a financial black hole. Optimizing the resources spent on environmental liabilities at a Superfund site is a combination of art and science, balancing technical, regulatory, and business objectives. While some technical consultants view their Superfund site involvement as an opportunity to endlessly bill service fees, Roux’s strategic consultants creatively work toward ensuring the best possible outcome for the client.

At numerous Superfund sites, the company performing and/or responsible for the cleanup liability typically feels helpless regarding the costs. This helplessness often stems from:

    1. The strategy to get from current conditions to a “no further action” designation is unclear;
    2. The consultant is turning their site into a research project; or
    3. The consultant easily capitulates to the regulatory agency, instead of standing up for the interests of the client.

Not sure if you could have a better outcome with a different consultant working on your behalf? Sounds like it’s time to reevaluate if your cleanup plans are on track and well-optimized with a third-party perspective.

Roux’s Superfund expertise is grounded in decades of work all over the United States, where we successfully implement strategic management focused on long-term risk and liability reduction. We find novel approaches that allow the cleanup process to fast-track, moving away from typical, long-term implementations that take decades to close. In addition, Roux’s Brownfields/Real Estate developer client base provides our Superfund liability clients with access to a network of companies seeking their properties for acquisition. Don’t suffer not knowing if you could benefit from a quicker, more efficient cleanup—fill out the form below and see if it makes sense to have a strategic checkup on the health of your Superfund site optimization.

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